We’ve made an A to Z list of animals around the world to look out for on your trip. Click here to know the common names of animals in English with ESL infographic.
Table of Contents
List of Animals
Here you can learn more about your favorite mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Names of species are listed in alphabetical order according to the first letter.
List of Animals | A
They are some animals that start with A.
- Abalone
- Antelope
- Avocet
- Archerfish
- Asian Black Bear
- Agama
- Agouti
- Akita
- Albatross
- Alligator
List of Animals | B
Below are the names of animals that start with B.
- Banded Palm Civet
- Bat
- Binturong
- Bloodhound
- Border Terrier
- Babirusa
- Baboon
- Bactrian Camel
- Badger
- Bald Eagle
List of Animals | C
Names of animals that start with C in English.
- Camel
- Cheetah
- Clouded Leopard
- Cougar
- Coypu
- Caribou
- Carp
- Cassowary
- Cat
- Caterpillar
List of Animals | D
Learn the names of animals that start with D.
- Damselfish
- Donkey
- Dragonfly
- Dormouse
- Duck
- Dugong
- Duiker
- Dung Beetle
- Dunlin
- Dusky Dolphin
List of Animals | E
Are you searching for the common names of animals that start with E?
- Echidna
- Eider
- Eared Seal
- Ermine
- Ethiopian Wolf
- Echinoderm
- Eel
- Egret
- Eskimo Dog
- Eagle Ray
List of Animals | F
Learning the names of animals that start with F.
- Fish
- Flamingo
- Frogmouth
- Fox
- Frog
- Fly
- Flying Fox
- Flying Squirrel
- Fossa
- Fulmar
List of Animals | G
What are some animals that start with G in their name?
- Gazelle
- Giraffe
- Gibbon
- Goose
- Goldfish
- Greenland Shark
- Grizzly Bear
- Groundhog
- Guanaco
- Gull
List of Animals | H
Do you need animals that start with H in English?
- Hawk
- Hercules Beetle
- Hoatzin
- Hornbill
- Hyena
- Hermit Crab
- Heron
- Herring Gull
- Highland Cattle
- Hippopotamus
List of Animals | I
Here are many different animals that start with I.
- Ibizan Hound
- Insect
- Impala
- Indian Flying Fox
- Iriomote Cat
- Indian Bullfrog
- Ibex
- Ibis
- Iceland Gull
- Icterine Warbler
List of Animals | J
Are you searching for the common names of animals that start with J?
- Jay
- Jellyfish
- Jerboa
- John Dory
- Jumping Mouse
- Jumping Spider
- Junco
- Jungle Cat
- Juniper Vole
- Jackrabbit
List of Animals | K
There are many animals that start with K. They are:
- Kestrel
- Killer Whale
- King Crab
- King Penguin
- Kingbird
- Kingfisher
- Kinkajou
- Kirk’s Dik-Dik
- Kite
- Kitten
List of Animals | L
Below are the names of animals that start with L.
- Leopard
- Leopard Seal
- Lilac-breasted Roller
- Limpkin
- Lion
- Lionfish
- Lizard
- Llama
- Lobster
- Locust
List of Animals | M
Names of animals that start with M in English.
- Monarch Butterfly
- Moose
- Mosquito
- Mountain Gorilla
- Mouse
- Musk Ox
- Manta Ray
- Mantella Frog
- Marbled Salamander
- Mayfly
List of Animals | N
Learn the names of animals that start with N in English.
- Northern Cardinal
- Nurse Shark
- Nutria
- Nyala
- Norwegian Forest
- Newfoundland
- Norfolk Terrier
- Needlefish
- Nabarlek
- Napu
List of Animals | O
What are some animals that start with O in their name?
- Osprey
- Ostrich
- Otter
- Ovenbird
- Owl
- Owl Butterfly
- Ox
- Oyster
- Oystercatcher
- Ozark Big-eared Bat
List of Animals | P
Below are different animals that start with P you should know.
- Portuguese Man O’ War
- Prairie Rattlesnake
- Proboscis Monkey
- Puffin
- Pygmy Hippo
- Pacific Gull
- Painted Stork
- Palm Squirrel
- Pallas Cat
- Partridge
List of Animals | Q
These are fabulous names of animals starting with the letter Q.
- Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing
- Queen Angelfish
- Queen of Sheba’s Gazelle
- Queen Snake
- Queen Snapper
- Quelea
- Quetzal
- Quokka
- Quoll
- Qinling Panda
List of Animals | R
Here are some animals that start with the letter R in the English language.
- Reef Shark
- Reindeer
- Rhea
- Rhesus Macaque
- Rhinoceros
- Rhinoceros Beetle
- Ring-Tailed Lemur
- Ringed Seal
- Roadrunner
- Robin
List of Animals | S
List of common names of animals starting with S in English.
- Sally Lightfoot Crab
- Salmon
- Sambar
- Sand Cat
- Sand Lizard
- Sanderling
- Sandgrouse
- Sandhill Crane
- Sandpiper
- Saola
List of Animals | T
Here is the list of some animals that start with the letter T.
- Tapanuli Orangutan
- Tapir
- Tarantula
- Tarpon
- Tarsier
- Tasmanian Devil
- Tawny Eagle
- Tawny Owl
- Tayra
- Tegu
List of Animals | U
Below is the list of amazing animals that start with U.
- Uganda Kob
- Umar Treefrog
- Uromastyx
- Uinta Ground Squirrel
- Upupa
- Urraca
- Uguisu
- Unau
- Urchin
- Unicornfish
List of Animals | V
These are the names of animals that start with V.
- Verreaux’s Sifaka
- Vervet Monkey
- Vicuna
- Viper
- Vireo
- Virginia Opossum
- Viscacha
- Vixen
- Vole
- Vulture
List of Animals | W
This is a list of common names of animals that start with W in the English language.
- Welsh Corgi
- West Indian Manatee
- Western Gorilla
- Whale
- Whale Shark
- Whippet
- White Tiger
- Wild Boar
- Wildcat
- Wildebeest
List of Animals | X
What are some animals that start with X in their name?
- Xingu River Ray
- Xolmis
- Xantic Sargo
- Xantus Murrelet
- Xoloitzcuintli
- Xantis
- Xantus
- Xenarthra
- Xenops
- Xerus
List of Animals | Y
Here is a useful list of the animals beginning with the letter Y.
- Yak
- Yellow-billed Hornbill
- Yucatan Squirrel
- Yuma Myotis
- Yellow Baboon
- Yellow Mongoose
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Yacare Caiman
- Yellowhammer
- Yellowjacket
List of Animals | Z
Below are animals that start with the letter Z.
- Zone-tailed Pigeon
- Zapata Wren
- Zokor
- Zorilla
- Zorse
- Zebrafish
- Zorro
- Zebra Finch
- Zebu
- Zebra Shark
Animals A to Z Examples
- The Arabian oryx is a large antelope with two long horns, native to the Arabian Peninsula.
- The beaver skins that Oliver had sent her from Deadwood were trouble.
- I will introduce you to a Kaika who can train a camel to bring breakfast in the mornings.
- The dolphin population has been decimated by tuna fishing.
- In the past eight years, the elephant population in Africa has been halved.
- The dogs are specially trained to follow the trail left by the fox.
- Against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.
- Their pattern was inspired by a fresco of an ibis in the foyer at Shepherd’s Hotel.
- I was going for a swim until the people in the hotel warned me about the jellyfish.
- He can run like a gazelle and jump like a kangaroo.
- You looked down your nose like some supercilious llama!
- I have thought if I were a mayfly, and only then the short life will be more valued, more contented more effort.
- Eventually, all the shelled forms except the pearly nautilus disappeared.
- More than half will be birds; the rest will be the four-legged variety, ranging from rabbits to opossums.
- She didn’t want to trouble the penguin with the bewilderment in her eyes.
- The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra.
- If you had sunglasses on and took them off, you would look like a raccoon.
- The defeated soldiers reaved the villagers of their flocks of sheep.
- The tiger was enmeshed in the web laid by the hunter.
- Clasen combined these blonde tones with deeper, warmer shades of camel or vicuna.
- Tiny though she was compared with her assailant, she fought like a wildcat.
- I’ve arranged the pictures of the animals alphabetically from aardvark to zebra.