Mammals! There are many mammal species around the world. Here, we show a list of common names of mammals with example sentences and infographics. Using this wonderful list to expand your English vocabulary.
Table of Contents
English Vocabulary for Mammals
- Aardvark
- Baboon
- Camel
- Dall sheep
- Fin whale
- Harp seal
- Lemming
- Monkey
- Panda
- Squirrel
- Bactrian camel
- Dall’s porpoise
- Flying squirrel
- Hedgehog
- Lemur
- Pangolin
- Snow leopard
- Badger
- Capybara
- Dalmatian
- Fossa
- Hippo
- Leopard
- Moose
- Narwhal
- Panther
- Skunk
- Agouti
- Bandicoot
- Caracal
- Deer
- Fox
- Vicuna
- Horse
- Lion
- Numbat
- Pig
- Tamarin
- Alpaca
- Bat
- Caribou
- Dhole
- Fruit bat
- Howler monkey
- Llama
- Mouse
- Ocelot
- Pika
- Tiger
- Bear
- Dingo
- Humpback whale
- Longhorn
- Muskrat
- Okapi
- Polar bear
- Wallaby
- Anteater
- Beaver
- Cat
- Gazelle
- Hyena
- Loris
- Onager
- Porcupine
- Walrus
- Antelope
- Beluga whale
- Dog
- Gerbil
- Lynx
- Nutria
- Puma
- Warthog
- Bighorn sheep
- Dolphin
- Gibbon
- Hyrax
- Macaque
- Opossum
- Civet
- Weasel
- Arctic fox
- Bilby
- Spectacled Bear
- Donkey
- Giraffe
- Ibex
- Orangutan
- Quokka
- Whale
- Arctic wolf
- Binturong
- Cheetah
- Dromedary
- Jackal
- Impala
- Orca
- Quoll
- Wolf
- Armadillo
- Bison
- Chimpanzee
- Dugong
- Gnu
- Manatee
- Oryx
- Rabbit
- Wombat
- Black bear
- Chinchilla
- Echidna
- Guanaco
- Goat
- Jaguar
- Mandrill
- Otter
- Raccoon
- Woodchuck
- Black bear hamster
- Chipmunk
- Gopher
- Javelina
- Marmoset
- Ox
- Rat
- Wildebeest
- Tamandua
- Blue whale
- Coati
- Eland
- Gorilla
- Kangaroo
- Marmot
- Red panda
- Yak
- Bobcat
- Collared peccary
- Elephant
- Gray whale
- Kangaroo rat
- Reindeer
- Zebra
- Bongo
- Colugo
- Elephant seal
- Karakul
- Rhinoceros
- Bonobo
- Cougar
- Elk
- Grizzly bear
- Killer whale
- Meerkat
- Sea otter
- Bowhead whale
- Cow
- Groundhog
- Kinkajou
- Musk ox
- Seal
- Brown bear
- Coyote
- Ermine
- Guinea pig
- Koala
- Sheep
- Buffalo
- Coypu
- Fennec fox
- Hamster
- Kudu
- Mole
- Siamang
- Bull
- Bushbaby
- Ferret
- Hare
- Sloth
Examples of Mammals
- I’ve arranged the pictures of the animals alphabetically from aardvark to zebra.
- Small Dave had spent a goodly amount of time impressing upon him the importance of finding a camel.
- As the horns on this male Dall sheep grow, they curve forward and upward.
- The fin whale is the second-largest creature on Earth, reaching maximum lengths of 82 feet (25 meters) for males and 89 feet (27 meters) for females.
- A baby harp seal rests on the Arctic ice. Its mother can distinguish it from hundreds of others by scent alone.
- North American lemming having a white winter coat and some claws much enlarged.
- Using a bunch of bananas, the zookeeper persuaded the monkey back into its cage.
- We have already seen in vitro fertilization of both a panda and a gorilla.
- They say a pest control campaign is needed to stop a squirrel population explosion.
- There are mainly two kinds of elephants in the world, the elephant and the African elephant.
- The Bactrian camel of Central Asia has two humps. The Arabian camel has one hump.
- Cape buffalo are very social animals and live in herds of a few hundred.
- The flying squirrel doesn’t actually fly but glides from tree to tree.
- A hedgehog tries to climb up the net and when it hears you approach it promptly rolls up into a ball.
- One of our fellow primates, the two-foot-long lemur is vegetarian, monogamous, and makes a noise like a saxophone.
- African tree pangolin has white skin and hair, lacking an external ear and a scaly tail.
- The snow leopard, an endangered species, was found stealing sheep in a village last Saturday.
- A llama, the only draft animal on the continent, could carry 70 pounds of gear on its back.
- A mouse started out as I went into the cave, which startled me.
- About twice the size of the average house cat, the dappled fur of the ocelot serves as camouflage in the jungles of South and Central America.
- Similarly, the polar bear can scent out a dead seal from 20 kilometers away.
- We camped there, where the loam was trampled by countless herds of bison.
- The Southwest Center folks want to see the jaguar listed and critical habitat designated for the salamander and owl.
- Where people can watch a close-up of five well-known African animals: elephant, lion, leopard, rhinoceros, and bison.
Mammals Infographic
English Vocabulary for Mammals
List of Mammals in English
Picture of Common Names of Mammals
An ostrich is a bird, not a mammal.