Vertebrates! Vertebrates such as mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, all have backbones that support their bodies and protect their inner organs.
Table of Contents
The animal kingdom can be split into two main groups: vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates such as mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, all share a vertebral column or a chain of bony elements that run along the dorsal surface from head to tail and form the main skeletal axis of the body.
Aardvark | Cat | Chipmunk |
Agouti | Antelope | Blue whale |
Alpaca | Arctic fox | Bobcat |
Anteater | Arctic wolf | Bongo |
Baboon | Armadillo | Bonobo |
Bactrian camel | Beluga whale | Bowhead whale |
Badger | Bighorn sheep | Brown bear |
Bandicoot | Bilby | Buffalo |
Bat | Binturong | Bull |
Bear | Bison | Bushbaby |
Beaver | Black bear | Coati |
Black bear hamster | Cheetah | Collared peccary |
Camel | Chimpanzee | Colugo |
Capybara | Chinchilla | Cougar |
Caracal | Civet | Cow |
Caribou | Dog | Coyote |
Dall sheep | Dolphin | Coypu |
Dall’s porpoise | Donkey | Eland |
Dalmatian | Dromedary | Elephant |
Deer | Dugong | Elephant seal |
Dhole | Echidna | Elk |
Dingo | Gazelle | Ermine |
Fin whale | Gerbil | Fennec fox |
Flying squirrel | Gibbon | Ferret |
Fossa | Giraffe | Gopher |
Fox | Gnu | Gorilla |
Fruit bat | Goat | Gray whale |
Harp seal | Guanaco | Grizzly bear |
Hedgehog | Hyena | Groundhog |
Hippo | Hyrax | Guinea pig |
Horse | Ibex | Hamster |
Howler monkey | Impala | Hare |
Humpback whale | Jackal | Javelina |
Lemming | Jaguar | Kangaroo |
Lemur | Loris | Kangaroo rat |
Leopard | Lynx | Karakul |
Lion | Macaque | Killer whale |
Llama | Manatee | Kinkajou |
Longhorn | Mandrill | Koala |
Monkey | Nutria | Kudu |
Moose | Onager | Marmoset |
Mouse | Opossum | Marmot |
Muskrat | Orangutan | Meerkat |
Narwhal | Orca | Mole |
Numbat | Oryx | Musk ox |
Ocelot | Otter | Ox |
Okapi | Porcupine | Rat |
Panda | Puma | Red panda |
Pangolin | Quokka | Reindeer |
Panther | Quoll | Rhinoceros |
Pig | Rabbit | Sea otter |
Pika | Raccoon | Seal |
Polar bear | Spectacled Bear | Sheep |
Skunk | Walrus | Siamang |
Snow leopard | Warthog | Sloth |
Squirrel | Weasel | Tamandua |
Tamarin | Whale | Wildebeest |
Tiger | Wolf | Yak |
Vicuna | Wombat | Zebra |
Wallaby | Woodchuck |
Common Names of Mammals with Picture
English Vocabulary for Mammals
Names of Mammals in English
Angler | Anchovy | Bullhead |
Bass | Barracuda | Butterflyfish |
Betta | Carp | Chinook |
Blue tang | Catfish | Cobia |
Bluefish | Chum | Coho |
Bream | Climbing perch | Flounder |
Cod | Clownfish | Herring |
Dolphin | Eel | Lionfish |
Goldfish | Grey mullet | Plaice |
Haddock | Kissing fish | Puffer |
Mackerel | Marlin | Shark |
Perch | Ray | Steelhead |
Pike | Salmon | Stingray |
Piranha | Sockeye | Sturgeon |
Sawfish | Trout | Sunfish |
Snapper | Tuna | Tarpon |
Swordfish | Whale |
Different Fish Species around the World
Different Types of Fish in English
Cormorant | Bulbul | Avocet |
Crane | Canary | Bald eagle |
Crow | Cardinal | Bluebird |
Dove | Chickadee | Bullfinch |
Duck | Cockatoo | Condor |
Eagle | Cuckoo | Crossbill |
Hen | Finch | Emu |
Hummingbird | Flamingo | Falcon |
Kingfisher | Frigatebird | Gull |
Magpie | Goldfinch | Hoopoe |
Nightingale | Goose | Junco |
Ostrich | Hawk | Kite |
Parrot | Heron | Kiwi |
Peacock | Hornbill | Koyal |
Pelican | Ibis | Lapwing |
Penguin | Jay | Lovebird |
Pigeon | Macaw | Mallard |
Quail | Mynah | Mockingbird |
Raven | Owl | Night hawk |
Rooster | Partridge | Peahen |
Seagull | Robin | Pheasant |
Sparrow | Sandpiper | Puffin |
Swallow | Skylark | Spoonbill |
Swan | Starling | Swift |
Turkey | Stork | Tern |
Vulture | Toucan | Wren |
Woodpecker | Wagtail |
Common Names of Bird Species
Great List of Types of Birds
Turtle | Cobra | Caiman |
Skink | Python | Gharial |
Crocodile | Taipan | Copperhead |
Tortoise | Rattlesnake | Whipsnake |
Snake | Adder | Kingsnake |
Lizard | Boa | Cottonmouth |
Chameleon | Iguana | Mamba |
Gecko | Green anole | Tuatara |
Alligator | Gila monster | Viper |
Names of Reptiles in English
Frog | Tree frog | Poison frog |
Tadpole | Wood frog | Siren |
Toad | Bullfrog | Hyla |
Salamander | Caecilian | Racophorus |
Newt | Mudpuppy | Mole salamander |
Common Names of Amphibians
Vertebrates | Examples
- A small bullfrog that doesn’t watch its step can easily become food for a bigger frog.
- If an attacker persists, the mamba will strike not once, but repeatedly, injecting large amounts of potent neuro- and cardiotoxin with each strike.
- A child was feeding the peahen in the zoo.
- The results also suggested beaked whales and bowhead whales had a relatively closer affinity.
- The desert hour when the dromedary becomes a thousand dromedaries snickering in the sky.
- This suggests that muskrat may be used as a substitute for musk.
- Everybody needs vitamin D, which can be found in foods like sockeye salmon, eggs, and milk.
- The catch included resident rainbow trout, juvenile chinook, salmon, bull trout, coho salmon, steelhead, and sculpin.
Vertebrates | Infographic
Vertebrate Animals around the World
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